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Free Classified Ads Posting

Free Classified Ads Posting

Map it out. The night before you go garage sale shopping, check Craigslist and the classified ads of your local newspaper and penny shoppers. Make a list of the addresses of the sales you want to go to and note the items available at each sale. Go to Google Maps or your favorite map site and print out the directions to the sale in the order you want to attend them. This will cut down on fuel costs and save time. If you have a GPS device in your car, program the addresses in the night before. Smartphones such as iPhones or Blackberry usually have access to GPS or Google Maps as well if you find yourself getting lost.

Automobiles are one of the most frequently advertised products on the planet. Use ads that catch attention. By using a bold headline, offering a low price, or other attractive offers, you will catch the attention of the reader. It doesn’t matter if your car is old or new, you will have a better chance to sell it if you have an ad for millions of viewers to see it.

Sponsor Ads: these are more expensive than classified online, but will give you a much better response. Sponsor ads can be placed at the top, middle or bottom of an ezine issue. You can include more text in a sponsor ad so it’s a good way to test your copy before going all out on a solo ad.

The idea is to sell other people’s products on a commission basis. The commission is anything from 25% to 50% of the product price. Which can be anything from $20 – $60 or even more depending on the price of the product. So depending on how well you can promote the product depends on how much money you will be making.

You can also check out eBay cars if you’re looking for a bargain you might be able to find one here! Or you can even try the very popular Craig’s List Jiji. You’re very likely to find many new automobile listings every single day on Craig’s List.

There are a wide variety of sites online that allow you to sell your products. These include catalog sites, as well as other marketing sites. Many allow you to submit an RSS feed of your product line for quick inclusion.

If you do go to their house, at least try to bring someone with you (a burly friend would be ideal). You can also just hover outside the door and ask them to bring the thing out — just say you’re in a hurry, though you appreciate any offer to be let inside. (If the guy says “it puts the lotion in the basket,” you may want to hightail it out of there, pronto — item or no item).

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